Are Women’s Sexual Responses More Complicated Than Men’s?
Over the years I have seen it asserted in a number of places such as Playboy and Maxim magazines and more recently in a YouTube video put out by a self-styled sex coach, Caitlin V that women need about twenty minutes of sexual stimulation in order to build to orgasm. I do not believe this. The final straw for me in this debate came when one of my girlfriends asserted that women were more complex than men when it comes to sex. This is rubbish! And I decided to prove it.
Here is my refutation of the assertion that women need 20–30 minutes of stimulation in order to climax. It is not true. Therefore, I conducted my own private survey to ascertain what is realistic in terms of women’s sexual response. Over the last several years I have been able to time, using a stopwatch, Twenty women ranging in age from 23 to 63. Three in their 20’s, Seven in their 30’s, Four in their 40’s, Three in their 50’s and Three in their 60’s. These were all either friends of mine or friends of friends that agreed to contribute to the study. The way that it worked was to perform oral without any foreplay to start with. This was key to the exercise, no foreplay. Oral was followed by intercourse and that was followed by a pocket rocket.
Here are my results: The average time for the women involved to come was 2:35 minutes from oral, 1:47 from intercourse and 1:24 from a pocket rocket. So nowhere near 20–30 minutes. The longest that it took for any woman in my survey to come was 5:48 from oral and the shortest was 0:07. As I said, that is from initial contact to orgasm without foreplay of any kind (other than of course mental preparation which is the best foreplay).
Interestingly, all the older women (50’s and 60’s) reached orgasm much more quickly than the younger women. I ascribe this to experience, knowing themselves better and having no anxiety about pregnancy so that sex is solely about pleasure. I think that the 4:06 seconds average I obtained for the 40-year-olds is a slight anomaly as one fussed about the procedure and the other claimed to be a lesbian. She was the 5:48 time referred to above.
If I throw out those results, I would have 1:24 for the 40 year olds. This is how my results broke down by decile:
20’s — oral 4:53, intercourse 2:19, pocket rocket 3:13
30’s — oral 2:12, intercourse 2:17, pocket rocket 1:41
40’s — oral 4:06, intercourse 2:15, pocket rocket 1:29
50’s — oral 1:24, intercourse 1:50, pocket rocket 0:59
60’s — oral 0:25, intercourse 0:36, pocket rocket 0:13
As a sort of control device, I timed myself receiving oral sex. The way that worked was that I completely relaxed and did not try to hold back. Again, there was no foreplay involved. My average time to climax was 2:54 with the longest being 4:40 and the shortest being 1:47. I think the longer time had more to do with fatigue than anything else. If that number is thrown out, then the average would be 2:33
As a result I conclude that the average man (2:33) or woman (2:35) takes just about two and a half minutes to come from oral sex without foreplay! And based on this, yes women take longer to come than men do! Two seconds more! LOL