There's another interesting phenomenon that has arisen from the current day ease with which men are able to obtain casual sex and that is the impact that it has had on the earnings of prostitutes. The London Times published an article about ten years ago where they compared the earnings on an adjusted basis of the women who worked at the Everleigh Club in Chicago at the beginning of the 20th century with the earnings of a contemporary high end call girl. The Everleigh Club was reputed to be the best brothel in the US at the time and according to the Times the average net earnings of the women there calculated based on current values was just over $400,000 a year. The net earnings of a high end escort today are about $150,000 a year according to the Times.
The difference is a result of the fact that in 1900 sex was at a premium and a man had to pay and in some cases pay handsomely to obtain sex outside of marriage. Today it's generally not necessary for a man to resort to prostitutes in order to obtain sex because so many women are giving it away for free for the reasons you have mentioned.