As I have said elsewhere the US health system is an utter disgrace on so many levels. The NHS has its problems but I'd rather have that system than what we have in the US which literally denies health care to millions of people. Then when you add the fact that it contributes to the corruption under which so much of our Congress operates, bought and sold as they are by the insurance and pharmaceutical companies it adds immorality to its inherent cruelty.
When I was at Oxford I stopped by the college doctor on my way to dinner one evening as I had had stomach pains for about three days. He asked me how I got there. I said that I had walked. He asked if I thought I could walk to the Radcliffe Infirmary. I said yes. He gave me a note and said take this with you. About 45 minutes later I was in the recovery room having had an emergency appendectomy.
You don't even have to be British to get on the NHS. All you have to do is register with a GP when you are in the country. I had to re-register in 2021 and if I have any major problem I will most likely get on a plane.