Or why camels are called the ship of the desert.
Ok. I’m not going to give you the punchline of that joke. Everybody knows it and it’s pretty gross. Also, it’s not that good. There are better jokes. So, here we go!
I managed to live in the Arab world for 25 years without ever getting on a camel. Obviously, as a means of transportation they are passé. However, no story about the region would be complete without a camel joke, or two or three.
There was an ARAMCO (Arab American Oil Company) supervisor whose job was to tour the remotest installations the company had in the desert and to check up on everything. At all of the desert camps that he went to the men were all miserable except at one where they seemed very happy indeed.
He asked the foreman why this was, and the foreman pointed at a tent. The supervisor looked in the tent and there was a female camel tethered inside and behind the camel a stool. The supervisor stood on the stool and found that he could reach the camel.
“Is this how the men do it?’ he enquired.
So, thinking when in Rome and hoping to bond with his foreman, he dropped his trousers and began to perform an unnatural act upon the camel.
“Is this how the men do it?”