I am not sure what exactlt constitutes PTSD. In 2009-10 I was unlawfully held in Bahrain by the authorities there in connection with the financial failure of a Saudi family that I worked for. I was charged with crimes that I did not commit and was looking at three years in jail. I had some ex-CIA guys smuggle me out of the country. To this day I keep having occasional dreams of sneaking back into Bahrain and then I can't get out. Or picking up with friends there and worrying about being betrayed to the authorities. I have been told that these are manifestations of PTSD. I don't know. I cope by working and being cranky and enjoying the company of women. I seem to function still at a high level. I am about to embark on new financial projects worth over $1 billion so to what extent this 'PTSD' has affected me, I can't really say.