I find it interesting to try to understand the full implications of some things that were said in the past in relation to human sexuality. People were often more indirect in these things than they are today. I don’t know if you are familiar with the Oneida Community in upstate New York in the early 19th century. They practised communal marriage. All adult men and women were considered to be married to one another. This was possible as they rejected the concept of original sin (which I would agree with) and as a result of their being no original sin all humans are already living in a state of grace so sex was not sinful. In the very early days of the community it revolved around one woman who was having sexual relations with three men. In the memoirs of one of the men he described her as “perfectly built for love”. So, what exactly does this mean. It’s not absolutely clear. My best guess is that she was multiply orgasmic which would explain the phrase, not to mention her clear alacrity in enjoying three husbands!