I was only thinking of women that entered the profession out of choice and not necessity.
In the case of my older friend, she had made a lot of money from escorting when she was younger. She told me that one year working for top agency in NY she had made $500,000. She had taken her earnings and started a trucking company, but it went bust, also not helped by her lay about husband putting some of the earnings up his nose. (This seems to be a common problem. I know another girl who made about $250,000 over a couple of years and her partner gambled a lot of it away).
In any case the older woman went back into the business to obtain security for her future. Some weeks she was making up to $7,000. This was in LA. (Fucked Charlie Sheen back in the day by the way). But when I was seeing her, I really thought that her drive to make as much money as possible was doing her head in. When someone starts doing shots of vodka at 10 am I think that it's time to question the effect that your activities might be having on you.
I was thinking that younger women might have more physical stamina and might be able to let certain things 'roll of their backs' more easily. Maybe not. I agree with you that an older woman will generally have better judgement, be better able to read clients, and take fewer risks.
Or sometimes younger ones are merely stupid. I know one English woman who was doing it mainly for thrills in her late 20s but put the better part of what she made up her nose.
It's a strange profession because of the intimacy it entails. That can never be entirely separated no matter the attempts to compartmentalize it. It's one reason why a large number of women also find that it can be a path to a successful marriage. I can think of one woman for example, a colleague of my friend who used it as a springboard to marry the lead guitarist of a very famous rock band, or an out of work lawyer in London who eventually met someone through 'work' to be able to 'get off the game'.