I was raised as a Presbyterian and although it may seem counterintuitive, I have always found Catholic women the easiest to have sex with. However, in order to be successful in this regard it is important to never ask a Catholic woman if she wants to have sex. That's when the guilt kicks in. One has to read signs of receptivity and take the lead and do all the heavy lifting. That expiates the guilt, and she can then relax and enjoy herself. And after all, God will forgive her as it is only a venal and not a mortal sin. With Protestant women before one can have sex the meaning of it has to be discussed. What does it mean in the context of our relationship. What does it mean in the context of societal norms? What does it mean in the context of human evolutionary biology? So, by the time one gets around to the act itself your brain has been so bludgeoned that most of the eroticism of the act has been destroyed.
I did this as part of a stand-up routine in London a couple of years ago. You can see all the musings in this regard in my Medium post, Sex, Religion and Post Modern Confusion.