In the subtitle you mention that you "learn" English but the article despite its interesting narrative never addresses the language itself.
Here is a small example from my experience extracted from my memoir of life as another Yank at Oxford titled 'A Gentleman and a Player'.
It took me approximately two years before I became fluent in English as spoken in England, and completely conversant with its nuances, idioms and hidden meanings.
To give a brief example of the latter: I walk into a bookstore and say to the proprietress: ‘Do you have a copy of the Sloane Ranger Handbook?’
She replies: ‘No, I suggest you try WH Smith's.’
On the surface, this may appear to be a perfectly normal and ordinary exchange, helpful even. However, it is not. The combination of the accent with which the reply is delivered mixed with the intonation accompanying it in fact means that the reply actually said: ‘Piss off. This is a posh bookstore.’
But it's only after an extended period of time living and mixing with the English that an American can come to understand these matters.