It's a fantastic place. Officially my degree is in Oriental Studies as it was called! The specifics of my degree were in Islamic History from the time of the Prophet until 1517 with two papers in Arabic language. All the tutorials were held at the Oriental Institute in Pusey Lane and not in the college. I was and am a member of The Queen's College.
One thing about the Oriental Institute in the 70s that I liked to joke about, but it isn't actually too far off the mark is that they were still turning out graduates to go into the Indian Civil Service, but nobody had bothered to tell the Dons that the Empire didn't exist anymore.
I had a moment in 1982 where I had a job interview with Citibank in NY for a position in their new subsidiary in Saudi Arabia. Over lunch the very earnest Deputy Director of Personnel asked me, "Gee, what did they teach you at Oxford anyway?" I said, "They taught me how to administer the Raj." She didn't know what the Raj was, and I had to explain it to her. I didn't get the job, but I stand by the answer to this day.