May, I would say that the general availability of porn has caused a fairly seismic shift in mores particularly among younger women. By younger I mean ones born in around the mid 70s and after who have had access to graphic internet porn as young adults and these days I guess at even younger ages. One result is that they seem much more willing to engage in sexual acts such as three-ways and anal than women of my generation were. In my 20s I certainly couldn't talk any of my girlfriends into an FFM three-way. Doing an MMF three-way was a different matter, the greedy girls! However, when I hit my fifties and was seeing women about 15-20 years younger than I was they were all willing to do three-ways or more. Part of it I think had to do with me having maturity and some stature that I didn't have when I was younger but a lot of it, I believe had to do with the way in which porn has normalized a lot of sexual behavior. One extraordinary incident in this regard occurred when I set up a scenario to have sex with a woman from each decile from 20s through to 60s. You can read about here on Medium in 'A Party in New Orleans'. When I invited the 20 something she said, 'Can my best friend come too"? I said, "The only women coming to this party are ones that I've slept with". She said, "Don't worry, Natalie will do that". And sure enough she did, but it left me thinking, this is too easy, why couldn't these sorts of things have happened in my 20s when I had lots of stamina!?