My first kiss was when I was 15 with a girl who was one year younger than I was. We were at a dance at my Junior High School and after one of those slow dances that you mentioned we sat down in adjacent chairs. I didn't think about it and just leaned over and kissed her. We kept kissing for few minutes until the dance ended and the lights came on. When the lights came on we both bolted from our chairs are ran in opposite directions!
I was dizzy and lightheaded as I walked all the way home (about a mile).
A couple of weeks later I ran into her in a stairwell at the school and we looked at one another and in my head were the words, "Claire, would you like to go to the 9th grade dinner dance with me"? But for some reason I could not get them out. Like you, we passed on and never spoke again. Such a pity. I just completely froze!