Sarah, it's interesting that you didn't highlight the fact that the censorious comments directed towards the girl who fellated the three boys were made by women. I think that it is fair to assume that in addition to whatever sexual thrill that girl took from performing that act that the men involved also provided her with some emotional or psychological reward as well. I can't imagine her doing that only for the sexual thrill. The reason that I bring this up is that based on my observations, women are often more quick to condemn other women's sexual behaviour than men are. That's not to say that there aren't assholes out there impeding women's freedom to do what they want sexually by engaging in 'slut shaming' but I do think that women do it to other women more than men do.
I have also noticed that when women are given license that they are able to engage with and consummate their own desires more readily. This raises an interesting suggestion as to whether women are more susceptible to suggestion when it comes to being able to liberate themselves from sexual guilt. When I have supported girlfriends of mine or have gone so far as to encourage them to have other sexual experiences, they have all taken that license and enjoyed it. That in a sense is the converse of 'slut shaming'. So, if a woman is given positive reinforcement for her sexual behaviour it becomes easier for her to enjoy herself without that sense of guilt that you are still carrying. To give you one example, a woman I knew who had married young confided in me that she felt that she had missed out on having a variety of sexual experiences and wanted to know if I thought it was wrong for her to desire to want to have those experiences now that she was in her late thirties. We discussed these matters for some time until she felt sufficiently confident in herself to try. Eventually, this culminated in her coming to my office one day at around noon when she said, 'Would you do me a favor?' I said, 'Sure, what is it?' She said, 'Would you fuck me during your lunch hour as I've arranged to see a guy at 5 and another one at 8 and I'd like to enjoy the thrill of having three men in one day.' And that is where license may take a woman when she is freed from those feelings of guilt you discuss.
I also agree with you that role playing and giving up responsibility can be freeing in this regard. When I was younger I had a girlfriend who had 'rape' fantasies. She was able to enjoy sex more if I simply took her or 'made' her do it. Then she didn't have to confront the fact that she was a highly sexual person and could enjoy the sex without it intruding on her image of herself as a 'good' girl because I made her do it and men are just animals after all. What could she do? I think it was a bit of a cop out but if it worked for her and enhanced her pleasure it would have been churlish of me to deny it.
Which brings me to my final point. It's a sin to deny any woman sexual pleasure who asks? So, if there any men reading this stop excoriating women for acting on their desires, be a gentleman, step up, lie down and do the needful. it will be its own reward and it's not that hard! (Although it better be in the moment! LOL)