When I was at University in England in the 70s I had a girlfriend who was highly multiply orgasmic to the point that she would continue to climax continuously either for as long as I could keep going or until she literally passed out from the pleasure (La petite mort). The first time this happened it scared me half to death as I thought that I had killed her.
She was very conservative with a small c and felt a certain degree of guilt about her sexual response and the amount of pleasure that she took from it. She thought that it was somehow wrong and meant that she was possibly not a 'good woman'.
She had rape fantasies. At no time did I ever think that she actually wanted to be raped. What she wanted was for me to 'make' her have sex so that she wouldn't feel responsible for her pleasure response. When I 'forced' her she was able to lose the guilt because she wasn't going out of the way to get that incredible pleasure. She wasn't responsible. I was 'making' her do it and so she was able to let go and fully enjoy the sexual pleasure without being a wanton woman.
She is the only woman that I've known that ever acted this way or expressed the sentiment that I should 'make' her do it which is different than a woman saying, 'take me' or in a moment of passion saying, 'you can do whatever you like to me', which of course, is not an invitation to rape.
In that regard what she had were rape fantasies that could be acted out to our mutual enjoyment in the full knowledge that she wouldn't actually get hurt. As an example, we would be in a pub with some other people and I would whisper in her ear, 'when we get back to my room I'm going to f**k you and there's nothing you can do to stop me'. That sort of thing ,,, and bang! The guilt was gone!