When my wife was young, she was brutally beaten, strangled and raped when she was in Paris. Her rapist, while he was raping her told her that he was going to kill her and throw her body in the Seine, and no one would care because she was just an insignificant little girl from O-hee-o! She was only able to get out of it by being able to grab a table lamp and smash the guy over the head with it.
I personally think that any woman who claims rape because she was drunk and there was no force involved diminishes the crime of rape in general and does a huge disservice to women who were subjected to violent rape such as my wife.
I noticed that someone in these comments mentioned Chrissy Blasey Ford. She was not raped. Here is her testimony that I took from Wikipedia.
She said that, while his friend Mark Judge watched, Kavanaugh, intoxicated, held her down on a bed with his body, grinding against and groping her, covering her mouth when she tried to scream and trying to pull her clothes off.[40][41] Finding it hard to breathe, she thought Kavanaugh was going to kill her.[13] She recounted escaping when Judge jumped on the bed and toppled them.[7
Now, I believe her and that this actually happened, but she claimed that she was traumatized by this act.
There is something seriously wrong in my opinion in the way that we now look at rape through the lens of 'victim culture'. Having some loutish teenage boy rub himself on you when both of you have your clothes on, is not trauma. Being beaten strangled and threatened with death is. And I say it again, claims of this nature by narcissists like Chrissy Blasey Ford diminish the nature of a crime that unfortunately to which too many women have been subjected and do actually make it harder for real victims to get justice because it makes it easier to dismiss what women have to say about rape as being either exaggerated or hysterical.